The 7 Chakras and Their Functions Explained

In spiritual teachings, we oftentimes hear about the seven chakras of the human body. But are these chakras and what are their functions? Chakras are a way to understand the energies that give life to all beings. 

They are present in all living beings that exist. They are the expression of the intelligence that governs life itself. Understaing the chakras can offer great benefits to your life and the way you live and behave in this world. It can offer the possibility to keep them in balance at all times and become more attuned to life and your purpose in this world.

chakras and their functions

The functions of the Chakras

There are a total of seven chakras in the human body. Each chakra corresponds to a specific part of the body and serves specific purposes for the mind and body

Chakras can be balanced or unbalanced, open or closed. When balanced and open all chakras will stimulate health, positive energy, and love. If you learn about each function of each chakra you can tell which chakra of a person is in trouble. Sometimes, people live with bad working chakras their entire life. Here are the names of each of the seven chakras and some of their functions when balanced and opened properly.

  • Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra
Responsible for mental balance, and digestive health. When properly working it makes you feel strong and fearless.

  • Svadihsthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra
Responsible emotional balance, compassion, and a healthy digestive system.

  • Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
Responsible for aspects such as confidence, intelligence, and energy stamina.
  • Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra
Elevates consciousness to the higher self. Makes you feel compassionate and forgetful towards others.
  • Vishuddha Chakra -Throat Chakra
Responsible for social aspects such as honesty, trust, communication, and being more expressive.
  • Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra
Can provide enhanced intuition, better thinking, focus, and visualization.
  • Sahsrara Chakra – Crown Chakra
Can provide feelings of divine love, and offers the possibility of self-realization. Improves brain functions, neurological system, and intelligence.


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