What Are Blocking Your Chakras and how to Unblock Them

There are many reasons that can cause chakras to be blocked in the human body. These are usually a lack of emotional and thought-controlling habits. External factors are causing negative thoughts and emotions which over time leave their mark on a deeper level of our mind and body. The deeper level behind the mind and body is the 7 chakras. When these chakras go out of balance because of external stimuli they will in turn create more damage to the mind and body.

blocked chakras causes and remedies

Here are a few examples of causes that make the chakras be blocked in the human body along with some quick remedies:


People we encounter daily can disturb our energies if we are not protecting ourselves or if we are not aware of when this happens. If you have sudden mood changes around various people then it might be that it affects your chakras. Protect yourself from others by creating a distance between you and the person or by placing your hands on the gut area to prevent the negative energies from affecting you.


Trauma in our life or even the small daily events that we hear from others or from the news can disturb our emotional balance. A breakup or the loss of a loved one can block chakras if the negative emotion is not eliminated. Chakras will protect themselves from these negative emotions by closing themselves. Blocked chakras mean improper flow of life energies. 

To get back on track try to avoid avoid people or any content that can create negative emotions. Listen or watch motivational stories such as life biographies or just skim through some motivational content on youtube to strafe away the bad mood. If this does not help just do whatever it takes to eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. As long as you stay with negative emotions and thoughts, as harder, it will be to break the habit of having them. 

Physical training is another good remedy against negative emotions and for unblocking chakras. Because physical exercise helps the body and even the mind to be more healthy it will eventually have a positive effect on the chakras too. 

Meditation is another great tool for healing and opening the blocked chakras. There are many meditation practices you can choose from these days. My favorite one is a simple but complete process that combines yoga and meditation. The practice is from Sadhguru and it is called Upa Yoga.

You can also make use of affirmations for helping to heal your chakras one by one. Here are the 7 affirmations that can help rebalance each of your chakras.

Some other remedies for blocked or unbalanced chakras are Essential Oils, Herbs, Gemstones and Crystals.


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